Chris Hutchinson is the author of "Rediscovering Humility: Why the Way Up is Down” published by New Growth Press (2018). (Portuguese edition here.)

Free study questions for the book can be downloaded here.

Chris also has a simple blog of archived writings at You can also follow Chris on Twitter @CAHutch1990.*

Chris grew up in Bethesda, MD, and is a graduate of Duke University ('89, A.B.), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary ('95, M.Div), and Bethesda Elementary ('79, Milk Monitor Honors).

Prior to seminary, Chris served in the U.S. Army as a Medical Service Corps officer, including a combat tour with the 24th Infantry Division (Mech) during Operation Desert Storm, 1991.

Run out of his first church just one year out of seminary, Chris then became an Associate Pastor in Statesboro, GA, where he served for seven years. In 2004, Chris became the Senior Pastor of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA), in Blacksburg, VA, home of Virginia Tech.

Chris and his wife, Kirstan have two grown daughters, one a collaborative pianist in Oklahoma City, and the other an artist in South Bend, Indiana. In his spare time, Chris enjoys swimming, reading about history and Tintin, watching soccer, and collecting out of print books by his favorite children's author, William Pène DuBois. He is also a chronic pain battler from Lyme disease, which brings him daily to the foot of the Cross.


*Twitter policy. I am putting this here because there is not enough room on my Twitter profile. Some people use Twitter solely to sell a product or as a niche account interacting only with a select group of people. Nothing wrong with that. I see Twitter more like the bar scene in Star Wars than a Sunday School class. That means I interact with a wide variety of people, both socially and theologically. I am friends with many of them, even if I disagree about some fundamental matters. It’s a good place to meet different kinds of people with whom I don’t normally interact. I tweet about theology, history, writing, movies, art, the Army, Tintin, and humor. I don’t try to keep it niche, but just be all of who I am, as if I were in a local coffee shop, talking to fellow patrons, and trying to treat all with kindness and respect, speaking graciously, sprinkled with some salt now and then. If you see me violate that principle of kindness, please tell me and we can talk it out.

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Unfamous Pastor (PCA) / Husband, Dad & Army Vet / Lyme ♿️ / Mercy triumphs / FWIW, my humility book: / My other blog: