Sitemap - 2023 - Chris’s Random Writings


In search of our Shire

Froot Loops, Melting Sneakers, and Never Enough Sleep

The time Dad captured Sergeant Shoichi Yokoi

Afshin, a Slap in the Face, and the Broken Row Boat

Pastoral Courage in an Age of Populist Relativism

9. SML von Steuben and the Brutality of War: illustrated history of landships, 1858-2008

Giving Thanks for Sergeant Gadsden

Not All Legends are Bad

The Oil of Gladness: a neglected ministry

Don't become a tyrant

8. The BSA Wiate-Powell and the American century: illustrated history of landships, 1858-2008

The problem with Christian Nationalism

Finding Kindness in Your Career

Worshiping with our African-American sisters and brothers

7. The Sarhoş Selim and Ottoman Decline: illustrated history of landships, 1858-2008

The birthdays a kid remembers

Pearl Harbor Day

6. São Fitzcarrald and the Naughts Arms Race: illustrated history of landships, 1858-2008

Dad, a VW Bug and Grace

Always Bucking the System

5. Le Maréchal Murat and the Helium Wars: illustrated history of landships, 1858-2008

Falling asleep on a grasshopper

4. HML Transvaal and British Colonialism: Illustrated History of Landships, 1858-2008

Parson Plummet Says a Prayer

My previous artwork

I can feel the sand

3. The Boudreaux Circus Ship & Reconstruction: Illustrated History of Landships, 1858-2008

Teachers Who Stick with You

Whatever Your Hand Finds to Do

My First Lie

2. The Sally Ann and Westward Expansion: Illustrated History of Landships, 1858-2008

It's the little things that matter

Triangle Man and the Useful Word

An Illustrated History of Landships, 1858-2008

Numbering Our Days that We May Grow Wise